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Kuala Lumpur
April 30, 2024

The Great Eggscape: GIIS KL Cracks the Code on Easter Fun

On April 1st, GIIS KL's annual Easter Egg Hunt transformed the school into a giant eggscape for their Cambridge students. It was an egg-cellent day brimming with surprises, teamwork, and laughter!

Imagine this: ten teams of students, transformed into crack detective squads, each equipped with a mission. Hidden throughout the vibrant School Blocks were special clues, waiting to be unearthed. These cryptic messages unraveled like a thrilling treasure map, leading each team on a whirlwind exploration of every nook and cranny of GIIS KL.

But this wasn't just about collecting colorful eggs – it was about collaboration! The hunt became a playground for teamwork. Students put their heads together, deciphering puzzles that tested their critical thinking. They wrestled with riddles that demanded problem-solving skills. And most importantly, they learned the power of working together, effectively cracking the codes hidden within each clue. These valuable skills – critical thinking, problem-solving, and teamwork – are all cornerstones of the GIIS KL's 9GEMS holistic education approach, preparing them to be successful not just within the classroom walls, but throughout their lives.

By the end of the hunt, the air buzzed with excitement. Every student sported a beaming smile and proudly carried overflowing Easter egg baskets. The day was a testament to the power of laughter, teamwork, and a little bit of healthy competition. GIIS KL's Easter Egg Hunt truly cracked the code on a cracking good time for all!

This exciting activity also perfectly embodies Gem 5: Innovation and Creativity of the 9GEMS framework. It also aligns with the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goal 4: Quality Education, by fostering a learning environment that goes beyond textbooks and encourages collaboration and critical thinking.

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